Happy 2024!

Hello, readers!

We’re one week and two days into the new year. I hope it’s treating you well.

I have a lot going on. My house is like Sarah’s fake bedroom in Labyrinth when she realizes it’s not her room and everything crashes down. We’re moving a little at a time and we did not have a plan like I usually do, so everything is a mess.

In the midst of it, we still have homeschooling, chores, meal prep/cooking, critters, company, etc. I just finished the homeschool eval to see where we are and how the kids are doing. We’re not far off schedule, which is pretty awesome I think.

I’m participating in an author interview. That’s new. I’m always the interviewer, so it will be fun to answer questions for a change. I’ll share once it’s up.

I’m finishing up Julia Donaldson’s Writing Children’s Picture Books BBC Maestro Course and a Hillsdale online course on A Christmas Carol. It always helps me focus when I take a writing course or two. I take what we’re discussing and apply it. Most things covered are things I already know on some level at least, but revisiting it and seeing or hearing it from another perspective can make a world of difference. Sometimes things will just click and I’m like Oh, so that’s what my story is missing.

I’m reading a lot of books, writing a few, and managing my blogs and WftP.

Stephen King’s On Writing and R.L. Stine’s There’s Something Strange About My Brain are on the reading list among many others.

I’m hoping to complete my Christmas story, pirate chapter book, guided prayer journal, and Mississippi Folklore book for kids this year. Fingers crossed!

I have paintings I started and haven’t gotten back around to.

My hubby and I are planning our next adventure.

I’ve signed up for a few things and forgotten about them. Sigh. I still ain’t finished that time management book. 😆

But I am looking forward to continuing and finishing every bit of this crazy, chaotic to-do list I’ve accumulated. I’ll get it done, Good Lord willing. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to try. (I may have to prioritize and cut back a few things, but it will be ok. 🙂) Yall wish me luck. 🍀

Stay tuned for book releases, updates, book reviews, homeschool stuff, and author interviews.

Let me know what you’re looking forward to the most this year in the comments.

Keep lookin’ up.

God bless,


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