Happy New Year & Rabbit, Rabbit Day!

I almost let January get away without a post. I’ve been busy homeschooling, reading (I’ve finished 3 books for my ‘23 GoodReads Challenge!), and learning more about editing.

I’ve also been applying what I’ve learned about editing. It’s kept me pleasantly busy, that and spending quality time with my family.

So, fear not, dear reader. I’ll be back very soon with author interviews and homeschool shenanigans. In the mean time, be sure to check out https://msfolklore.wordpress.com and https://pikespeakwriters.org/blog/ for more great articles!

I hope you’re off to an amazing start for the year! God bless,

~ T

P.S. Don’t forget to say “rabbit, rabbit” before bed tonight and “hare, hare” first thing in the morning when you wake up on the 1st for good luck! 😜🍀