Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers

There are mixed emotions about standardized testing, especially among homeschoolers. In our current state, there are two options for homeschoolers: seeking state approval and not seeking state approval. We opt for the latter, so my kids aren’t required to report to anyone other than me or to take standardized tests.

As a student, I dreaded standardized tests in public school, although I tested well. My husband, on the other hand, took them as a challenge.

I don’t believe they give a completely accurate assessment for every student. Some simply don’t do well under that kind of pressure, and there are many other factors to consider, such as learning disability, stress of home life, etc.

On the other hand, some do exceptionally well.

As a teacher, standardized tests give me an idea of where my students may be excelling or may need extra practice. This is why I choose to administer standardized testing in our homeschool (and also it makes my husband feel better.)

I order the not-timed option, but that may change as they move into highschool. If you’d like to do them in your homeschool, a simple google search will bring up lots of options. We use the CAT.

We don’t make a big deal out of the tests. We take the practice test the week before and review any mistakes. I make sure the kids get a good night’s sleep, hearty breakfast, and time to stretch and relax before we begin.

They have a lot of wiggle breaks and (gasp!) snacks. We couldn’t even chew gum when I took them. 🙃

My husband and I reward the boys when they’ve completed the test (that’s an accomplishment in itself!) and when they do exceptionally well, we do something big to celebrate.

There hasn’t been an occasion thus far where they haven’t done well, but I don’t put unrealistic expectations on them. It’s ok if they don’t test well and we will cross that bridge if we get there.

They took their tests last week and did well again this year. This year has been interesting with the move. It’s good to know that we’re still sort of on track.

We took them to the local trampoline park and then the game store as a reward. They had a great time and it was well deserved. They’ve worked hard and had fun learning this year. I can’t believe they’ll soon be 9th and 5th graders! 🥲🥰

We will likely use June for a review and an opportunity to go over things that were on the test that we hadn’t covered yet. And then again, we may not. This move has been a doozy. I guess we’ll see how it goes. Wish us luck.

As always, God bless y’all. Keep lookin’ up.


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