Live in the Moment ♥️

I’m in the process of reading “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less.” (I need to apply the book’s principles to my current reading list. 😆)

We’re in the middle of a big move. Once we get settled-ish, I’m going to focus a lot on downsizing. I’ve worked on it a bit here and there —with things and with time.

I’ve donated and sold things. I’ve cut back on obligations.

I’ve been trying to focus on essential things—the most important things. Even doing so, there’s a lot. Finding the right balance is going to be key and I will find it.

I wanted to encourage you, dear readers, to do the same, if you haven’t already.

So, here’s a reminder:

Make time for yourself: your faith, your health, your hobby. Even a few minutes here and there will make a difference.

Make time for your family. Learn from them. Enjoy them. Let them know how much you love them.

Work hard and smart at your job. Doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-at-home mama, a CEO, a trash collector—your job matters and you matter.

Leave your work and work.

Be present and live in the moment. Let go of worries and the past.

The past is gone. The future isn’t here yet. Today is what counts. Take it moment by moment.

I’m rooting for you.

Love & prayers,


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